Thursday, 6 September 2012

Twitter & Fresh Idea for Feature Design

The idea development for our feature continues. We decided to incorporate the use of other social media, in this case Twitter, into our fashion feature.

Why Twitter? Well first of all, when used well, Twitter can be a social media platform that enables website to increase its pageviews and encourage participatiom between readers and writers. Hence, we agree that Twitter is the perfect platform for us as its accessibility could help us to gather more information to build our feature, by connecting with potential sources and generate discussions between our targeted audience. And most importantly, we want to use twitter to promote our the existence of our feature. This will be done by tweeting the link of our feature post. Also, by using this technique, our potential reader can easily read the article that they want instead of scrolling through our feature pages. 

Of course, this can only be achieved if we have followers. Thus, we decide to promote our twitter account by doing a massive following spree. There's a huge chance that people will follow us back and then, get to read our feature! As mentioned by Melissa, our twitter account is @FashionalityAUS. So head down to your twitter and don't hesitate to follow us for our latest feature update!

After few photoshop 101 guide during the tutorial, I decided to had a go and design an avatar for our Twitter account. While I designed the avatar, I kept in mind that our targeted audience is a young adults aged 16 and above who's interested in fashion.

So voilĂ ! After experimenting with black and white filter, shape tools and a decent font selection and arrangement, I proudly present our avatar:   

(@FashionalityAUS's Avatar - photo taken by Michelle Natalie Susanto) 

The yellow spotlight is meant to highlight the fashionable look of the portrait that I took. But then, I realised that the font that I applied on our feature name would look unclear when it's uploaded as the twitter avatar as the size will be smaller. So I made another version, this time with a bolder font style to emphasize our feature's name, Fashionality!

(Fashionality Avatar Design, Version 2.0)

This design of the avatar I made above could be a starting point to develop our feature's aesthetic design later on. Perhaps I could do another version and make something like this for our feature's banner.

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